Friday, October 16, 2009

Kelly's Korner

I have posted several images today to participate in the "Show me What you Make" Friday on Kelly's Corner. I am a stay at home Mom of 3 girls that started making magnetic bottle caps about a year ago to give my daughter's cute custom caps to wear with their necklaces purchased in a kids boutique. Since then, I have been blessed to begin a business selling these caps all over Arkansas and Oklahoma. These are carried in local businesses only and I have never sold any on line until now.



Custom Caps and Scrabble Tiles

I make custom scrabble tiles with anything on them that will fit. I have done local schools, businesses, crosses, peace signs, etc... My biggest market however, is the magnetic bottle cap to go on the magnetic chokers sold in many shops. My caps are different because they can be painted any color to match your school/ favorite team or just have your child's name on them. They are fun to add to your interchangeable necklaces. The possibilities are endless!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

History is Made

Regardless of your political views, history was made today as Barack Obama became the 44th President of the U.S. I am amazed at all of the negative comments that have been said over his being "black". WHO CARES???? Does the color of his skin change who is is or the job that he can do? I am certain that God made us all and that we all are perfect in his eyes. I am hopeful that he can lead our country in the right direction. Regardless of your feelings about his skin color or whether you voted for him or not, he is now your president, so why not give him a chance? I am not the biggest Obama supporter, but he will get my support as my new president. Won't you join me? We live in the greatest country on earth and are very fortunate to have the freedoms that we do.

In addition to that, Garth Brooks is one of my favorite singers ever and I love hearing him sing anything.

My baby is 12!!!!!

My Sweet Hannah,
Happy Birthday!!!
There could be no Mom on earth luckier than I to have a daughter like you. You are so much more to me than any words can describe. My joy has begun to deepen more as we go through this transition of caretaker to you being my friend. We can talk about so many things and do so many things now that you are growing up, but do not think for a minute that I would not go back and start over with the first day if I could. You are becoming so much more than I ever dreamed that you would be. You make my dreams come true and my days worth living. Thank you for being the best daughter that any Mom could ask for. I hope you have a great day today and forever. May all your wishes come true.